Why Migrations Fail

There’s plenty of articles out there that contain checklists on how to perform a migration and the steps you need to take. While some of these are good, nobody explicitly calls out why migrations fail. Well we’ve done plenty of migrations in our careers and want to share what caused the majority of failures. What…

Handling Duplicate Content

It’s almost inevitable that at some point you’ll end up dealing with duplicate content. This can lead to issues such as cannibalization and not knowing which URL to preserve. We’ll walk you through the steps needed to solve this problem. Duplicate Content Causes  Duplicate content is caused by a variety of factors. These are the…

Troubleshooting Javascript for SEO Part 1

Javascript Troubleshooting With the rise of heavy Javascript powered frameworks came increased problems for SEOs. Javascript is seen as complicated because it’s not typically something an SEO would know unless they’ve done dev work, and because there are multiple frameworks out there. It’s also daunting because we’ve all either heard of or seen the horror…

Handling Pagination in 2020

Handling Pagination in 2020

In 2019 Google made an announcement that rel=next/prev were no longer needed to handle pagination. In the past, these two tags were vital when it came to helping Google understand how a series of pages were connected. This predominantly occurred on e-commerce sites, specifically on product listing pages. However, we still see questions regarding how…